Nobody wants to be a meaningless cog in the system.
It is reliable. It gets the job done. It’s strong and doesn’t let its personality get in the way. It doesn’t complain. It supports the system and the bigger machine to produce a manufactured end result. And it works — over and over again.
In leadership, we DO have a lot of “systems” — each of our teams have unique complexities and things to — but we do not want to treat or think of our team members as cogs in the system.
Your role as a leader is to remind people that we’re not just doing a bunch of “things” but we’re a part of something much bigger than our selves. Love them when they don’t get the job done. Help them when they’re weak and their personality is spewing everywhere.
Don’t get me wrong: tasks need to get done and there must be a standard of excellence.
Question to ponder: How can you remind people that they’re not a cog and show them that they matter?
What are ways we can love and lead people?