Not enough time…
I’m sure you’ve experienced this before. A project or deadline is quickly approaching and you think to yourself, if I only had more time, everything would be so much better.It might be true. More time might allow you to achieve what you’re trying to do. But patterns of feeling like there’s not enough time can lead […]
Giving authority away
Check out this awesome quote from Craig Groeschel: “When you delegate tasks you create followers. When you delegate authority, you create leaders.” Delegating tasks looks like people “helping you” to get something done. This results in followers. You have the authority—they have an action item. However, when you give away authority, you give someone else the ability to make decisions on […]
Resistance as positive evidence
When we encounter Resistance, we might get discouraged conclude that our idea or project is being rejected and a failure. We interpret Resistance as negative evidence. But what if we counted Resistance as positive evidence? Resistance is evidence that our idea just might stick… Resistance is evidence that our art isn’t for everyone… Resistance is […]
Sustained focus is a competitive advantage
Today’s culture requires each of us to set personal boundaries to allow ourselves to focus on what we choose to focus. It’s harder than ever to focus In our day and age today, it’s harder than ever to focus. Not only do phones ping and email ding, but there’s an expectation in our relationships at […]
Behavior: getting from pointless to purposeful
Pointlessness. I hate it. Don’t you? I bet that you, just like me, have had pointless experiences. Pointless meetings. Pointless texts. Pointless phone calls. Pointless conversations. We can be tempted to say, “yeah, but even thru the pointless experiences, you can find meaning!” Or we might say, “even when things seem POINTLESS, there’s a bigger […]
Core principles
We all operate with a set of core principles and commitments. Some of us are aware of what they are, others haven’t defined them yet. Whether they’re written down and “defined” or not, they still exist. They just might be in the dark. A bright light can help. Shining light in a certain area exposes […]