Managing your negative inner voice

It’s 6:55 am. You just woke up and realize you have a meeting at 7:30 am and agreed to grab coffee for your coworkers. The line at the drive-thru is always wrapped around the building by 7:00 am and the slow barista is probably working today, but you think you can make it. You […]
Direct statements

Listen to this (3½ minutes) We all have things we wish we could come right out and say, but often don’t for our own reasons. We may want to preserve a relationship, not hurt someone’s feelings, or reveal what we truly think. We beat around the bush hoping that they might pick up what […]
There will always be opposition

Have you ever encountered someone who doesn’t agree with your point of view or see things the same way you do? I’m sure you’ve experienced the tension that lies when you have an idea but know someone is going to challenge you. This is what makes the world a beautiful place, but it can […]
Decide to focus

- You must make a choice to focus your attention on something specific.
- If you don’t choose to focus, someone else will — or you will be driven by the what’s current and catastrophes.
- The best leaders and thinkers are disciplined about focusing daily.
Who are you learning from?

Here’s a question for you to consider: Who are you learning from? For our roles in our lives, each of us should be able to point to a person or group we are learning from. It is exciting and humbling to think that we are probably not the first people to encounter the issues we are […]
Sustained focus is a competitive advantage

Today’s culture requires each of us to set personal boundaries to allow ourselves to focus on what we choose to focus. It’s harder than ever to focus In our day and age today, it’s harder than ever to focus. Not only do phones ping and email ding, but there’s an expectation in our relationships at […]