Managing your negative inner voice

It’s 6:55 am. You just woke up and realize you have a meeting at 7:30 am and agreed to grab coffee for your coworkers. The line at the drive-thru is always wrapped around the building by 7:00 am and the slow barista is probably working today, but you think you can make it. You […]
Story Dancer: America’s Got Talent Merrick Hanna

In the 12th season premiere of America’s Got Talent, 12-year-old Merrick Hanna’s dance performance caught me by surprise. I’m not sure what I was expecting from the 12-year-old dude in bright red pants. I certainly wasn’t expecting to experience a story. If you haven’t seen the video, do yourself a favor and watch it […]
What happens when the computers go down at Shake Shack?

When the computers go down at Shake Shack, you might be in the middle of placing your order for the first time. The grill is still hot…the meat still fresh & ready to cook. Your belly will still be hungry and the smell of fresh burgers and fries will smell better than ever. The show […]
4 unrealistic expectations most businesses believe about social media

Many business owners and social media “experts” have it all wrong. They want to see success on social media produce big results for their business. While this isn’t impossible, it is a little unrealistic. Here’s why…
Businesses, You’re Not Seinfeld! Why I Hate “Storytelling”

Don’t get me wrong—sharing stories is important for businesses. I’ve written a lot about it. But honestly, I hate the word storytelling.
Introducing the newest ideas in storytelling

Have you ever noticed how often digital platforms encourage you to share your story? You’ll find it everywhere. But are people really empty vessels waiting to be poured a serving stories? Like you, I spend a lot of time using the internet to find things that interest me. I shop online—maybe too much—and I’m interested […]