Decide to focus
- You must make a choice to focus your attention on something specific.
- If you don’t choose to focus, someone else will — or you will be driven by the what’s current and catastrophes.
- The best leaders and thinkers are disciplined about focusing daily.
Influence and impact
One thing you can keep in mind each day is that you have influence and impact as an individual person. It can be common to think that on your own, you can’t impact or change much anything unless you’re in an “official” position of leadership. It turns out that the most influential individuals leverage their influence exactly where […]
Asking “how might we” questions
A powerful tool to help your leadership is to ask great questions. Yes, there is such a thing as a bad question. In school, teachers sometimes say there’s no such thing as a bad question. Good advice for young students. Bad advice for adults. There are many WRONG questions that we can ask that we don’t need to […]
Dealing with Resistance
Anytime we do important work, we WILL face Resistance. It is pretty much a guarantee. People won’t like what we’re doing. They may even let us know (to our face). They’ll cheapen our hard efforts and make us feel bad. And a common tendency would be to compromise – to give in and give up. Some […]
A cog in the system
Nobody wants to be a meaningless cog in the system. It is reliable. It gets the job done. It’s strong and doesn’t let its personality get in the way. It doesn’t complain. It supports the system and the bigger machine to produce a manufactured end result. And it works — over and over again. In […]
Who are you learning from?
Here’s a question for you to consider: Who are you learning from? For our roles in our lives, each of us should be able to point to a person or group we are learning from. It is exciting and humbling to think that we are probably not the first people to encounter the issues we are […]